New goals for Kat

I’m going to attempt to journal a lot more regularly, particularly now as I start my 12 week diet down to stage!

I’ve decided on my new goals – and I think I’m keeping them pretty simple (simple is different to easy) for a change! Here goes!

*Compete in September – aim for musclemania, possibly other events (there are a few happening and will decide a bit closer to the time)
*Burn 2,500 calories per week – 3x morning runs, 2 sprint sessions, 2x 1,000 rep workouts, plus X-training and fast walks – either incline treadmill or outdoors – I have bought lots of new audio books to listen to – can’t wait!
*6x weight training sessions per week – 3 day split, each muscle group being hit 2x per week
*Increase flexibility – particularly hip flexors and lower back. Be able to do the splits! Stretch/foam roll – 10 mins per day, have a massage every week (that’s my indulgence for 12 weeks instead of wine!) 😉

Half of me hasn’t even decided whether I’m really ready to commit to doing this or not, but the other half wants to do it so badly, it is willing to share the idea on the Internet (?!), so maybe this is my way of cementing my new goal – so that I actually do it!

To be honest, I’m a little bit freaked out by the whole thing! I know that I have a lot of hard times ahead, but nothing worthwhile is easy, and I’m really, really craving having that discipline and hard-core goal focus again!

When I compete, I totally throw myself into my training like never before – and my head-space is so different. I feel like nothing could or would ever stop me doing it. I love that feeling!!! I get very addicted!

I remember feeling so strongly about sticking to my plan that I wouldn’t even let a tiny iota of carrot get past my lips in my coleslaw (if it wasn’t in my eating plan) or insy bit of egg yolk get into my egg white omelette. I want that type of gutsy determination back again. Sounds obsessive, but I love having a strict plan with all the calories laid out, so I have peace of mind that I will get results. No ifs, buts or maybes.

So, I want to do this in a healthier way than I have in the past (where it just about killed me), now that I’m armed with more knowledge and experience.

That’s not to say I will be having a boring diet. I’ve learned so much over the last few years about nutrition and how the body needs variety. I never want to eat the same thing day in and day out – and I don’t believe it’s good for our bodies to do this.

This decision has been an interesting one, because I’ve been questioning why I want to do this again.
To be totally honest – mainly with myself, I can truly say that it’s not to qualify for anything, to prove anything, or to place in the top 3. I want to do this to get my laser beam focus back, a certain type that has escaped me a bit since I’ve hauled myself half way across the world and set up a new life in a new country. I’m not annoyed at myself for losing certain habits that I had in NZ. On the contrary, it’s all been part of the process of getting me to this point. I have no regrets, and I’ve learned a load about myself.

I feel like I’ve come full circle. I went totally strict for my last comps, then lived it up a bit too much (I do love to party), then started slowly changing things, in a healthy manner. I don’t like the sudden shocks to the body, I don’t believe it’s good. The quality of my diet has improved and improved every year, along with my mindset.

One of the best things at the moment, is that I’m the strongest I’ve ever been. My body fat is higher than I like it, but I love feeling strong, and have really enjoyed putting on muscle through eating clean – and eating lots of clean food! Although I’ve partied a lot since I moved to London, I have stayed around the 60kg mark, no higher, for the past year and a half.

So I’m not beating myself up for not staying in ‘competition’ shape. I just know that there is a lot of dieting to come – lots of saying no, lots of temptations to overcome, lots of having to really dig deep to find some internal and mental strength to make the right decisions. Plus a lot lot lot more cardio. I’ve been hitting weights almost daily for the last year, but cardio only 3-4x per week and the volume/hours/calorie burn will need to more than double that.

And of course, no drinking. I find that to be the hardest aspect of this whole thing. I’m very focused with training, and diet – once I’m in the swing of it. But alcohol is my downfall. I think it will be a bit harder this time ‘cos I haven’t had summer for a year and a half, and it’s so nice to finally have light, warm nights! (Since I did 2 winters in a row – one in NZ, one in London, I’ve missed it!).

Summer and me (like so many people) = drinking in the sun! The thought of total restraint kinda bothers me, but it also very much excites me when I focus on the result I will get from it. If I can go through the whole 12 weeks of summer without drinking and without eating those yummy summer things we all like (including on my birthday), well let’s just say, it’ll make me feel like a stronger person!

I don’t have to get into a bikini and get on stage to achieve this, but it certainly helps. Having a bigger goal really keeps me focused. I love training for the event almost more than the event itself. I love seeing what my mind and my body is capable of.

So, bring on the chicken breast, fish, egg whites and veges!

I can honestly say, I’m SUPER excited!! 🙂

8 Responses to New goals for Kat

  1. Janine says:

    WOW – A huge goal Kat, but we all know you can pull it off! Looking forward to hearing more.

    Janine ;o)

  2. Charlotte says:

    Look forward to following along Kat!

  3. Suzy says:

    I really admire the total discipline it must take you to prepare for a competition – and to keep it up for 12 weeks! Best of British 🙂

    • Kat says:

      It certainly takes discipline, but the excitement and satisfaction of it all outweighs every bit of pain and sacrifice!

  4. Amanda says:

    You go for it Kat. It will be an amazing experience for you and a real challenge to do it in a new country.

    I will be following you as you provide so much motivation for me and so many others.

    I am 5 months pregnant and already keen to get back into shape come November so you will help inspire this as I will see from you again what really can be achieved if you totally commit.

    Good Luck 🙂

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