Want better results?

October 31, 2009

How do I get better results?

Here’s your Action plan!….

*DEMAND MORE from your body.
When you’re grinding that bike or gunning up that hill – If your lungs scream at you, tell them to shut up!
Can you go higher?Actions singlet 2
Deeper? …  Harder? … Longer?
What limits are you placing on yourself? Are they genuine or are they just excuses?

Do you want to walk out of each session feeling like you’ve done your very best?
Only you know when that is…

*Remember – Pain is temporary – Quitting is forever. You don’t want any regrets.
Think back to what your goals were when you started your particular program. Are you on track? EVERY WORKOUT COUNTS! Each time you stop yourself short – whether it’s 1 bad attitude day, 1 workout, 1 rep, 1 min – you’re 1 step behind in your goal. Make every moment an opportunity to use wisely and not waste it!

Calculate what % of your time you’re devoting to your health and fitness.
We all have 168 hours in our week to ‘spend’. How are you spending your 168? Is there any way you can sneak an extra hour or 2 in of activity somewhere?
Your mind will straight away come up with excuses why not to do things. Otherwise, you’d be doing them now. Get creative. Turn off the voice of doubt and starting thinking WHAT IF. Why not see how far you can go? Is it really that impossible?

Consider – Adding a 30 min brisk walk 3 mornings a week would rev your metabolism up for the day, give you some additional and probably well needed ‘you time’ and add up to an additional 6 hours of cardio in a month, just by making a simple and ‘do-able’ change in your lifestyle. Can you just for a minute take some time to really be honest with yourself. Adopt some WHY NOT thinking!

What have you been putting off?
When are you going to do it?
If not now, when?
Why not see what you can become or how much you can grow?

*Find at least 3 pictures from a magazine or the Internet that you will look at daily to help reinforce your goals.

Print out and put in at least 2 places – e.g. fridge, wallet, bedroom wall.

PICTURES ARE POWERFUL! This one task can literally change your thinking when you’re deciding what actions to take.
Focus on physiques that you would like to look like, or people that are doing things you’d like to do.Woman lifting dumbbell.

Every morning when I wake up, I look at a page of pictures I have stuck on the wall by my bed – they are of fantastic women sweating, boxing, running up hills and pumping weights – and they all look strong and toned. It makes me hurry to strap my Ipod on and head out for my run.

Enjoying your life through having the best health you can is a great reward for disciplined and consistent effort.

It pays off in numerous ways!

You feel energised, strong, alive and ready to take on the challenges of life!


May 26, 2009

Big Goals, Little Goals!

You may have big goals you are working towards (If not, I hope you will start thinking of some!)

Big picture goals of how we want to be, keep our lives interesting, satisfying, focused and fun!

But how about the small day to day goals?
We don’t only need big picture goals of where we want to get to, but habits or ‘mini goals’ that we are working on daily.
You’ll often hear me call them ‘tasks’. Although they are still goals, weekly mini-goals should be small – and for good reason.

Small works. Small can be rescheduled, reorganised and easily resumed. Small builds early success and lots of momentum.

Something as small as substituting food choices or an extra cardio session a week can make a huge positive impact.

Your daily and weekly tasks should work within the lifestyle you’re dealing with.

Yes, your lifestyle is going to have to change as you move towards your goals. But healthy change starts in bits and pieces.

Your life is what it is. Ideal or not, that’s your starting point and what you have to deal with.
You’ll be a lot happier – and a lot saner – if you work with your existing lifestyle instead of against it.
Ignoring realities of your daily life just invites failure and frustration.

Small changes are barely noticed.

Every day, whether you think so or not, you’re faced with small opportunities to make healthy choices and build healthy habits, to make changes that you may not even notice. You have the chance now to get good at recognising those small windows of opportunity.

Millions of people hope to change their body. Only a few actually prepare for it. They treat it like a game, setting out and hoping it’ll all work out. No wonder the dieting failure rate hovers near 95%.

Any time you’ve reached a meaningful goal, it was because you were ready for it. It didn’t just happen or fall in your lap. If it did, that’s more good fortune than goal achievement.

The difference between hoping something will happen and making it happen is preparation. Not too many people gain a great body through luck or good fortune, so you’ll probably have to rely on preparation.

Here are some strategies you can start right now to be more prepared:

* Think 10-15 Minutes. We’re all faced with little blocks of time throughout the day that could be put to better use. See how many you can fill up with short bursts of physical activity. For example, if you’re early for an appointment, go for a walk instead of reading a magazine.

* Take healthy snacks to work. When the munchies come calling, you won’t need to run to the snack box or nearest cafe.

* Pack a gym bag and keep it in your car, at the office, or by your front door – for use on a moments notice.

* Smart Substitutions. Don’t be afraid to ask cafes or restaurants to make things exactly how you want them. It’s your body and your choice! Rather than removing something from your life, think about the best thing you can have instead.

Here are some of the substitutions I’ve made part of my life over the years –

– From Flat white/latte to long black (it took time to get used to but eventually you do!)
– Sandwiches to salads
– Lollies to protein bars
– Beer to Vodka, soda and fresh limes (still not ideal, but less bloating and your body will process it easier)
– Bread to sweet potato (you can fill it with almost anything!)
– Pasta to brown rice
– Snacking on crackers to snacking on raw veges

I don’t even fathom eating pasta or drinking beer or a host of other things any more that I used to do and not even think about. These things are just no longer part of my life. It’s not hard – because I’ve found suitable substitutions.

Some more ideas –

* Leave healthy snacks throughout your house, your office and even your car. You don’t want to be caught out being forced to make a choice between bad and worse.

* When you cook, make a big batch and save some for later. Freeze in bulk when you have time such as on the weekend.

* Combine Goals. Works especially well with social or family goals. See if there’s someone who can join you for a walk, make a healthy dinner together, or meet you at the gym for a class to make sure you turn up.

* Plan Ahead. Every program could benefit from a little forethought…

A few of these substitutions every day and you’ve got a great head start!

Something as important as your health deserves some concentration…

Yours in health and fitness,
